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Tactical Control [key Serial]


The air movement plan is based on the ground tactical plan and the landing plan. The air movement plan dictates the schedule and provides instructions for the movement of troops, equipment, and supplies from the pick-up zones (PZ) to the landing zones (LZ). It outlines the instructions regarding air routes, air control points, and aircraft speeds, altitudes, and formations. The air movement plan must also address the employment of attack helicopter escorts. Security and linkup locations, if different from PZ, are also included. When operations involve multiple lifts from the same PZ a lift table is prepared to ensure proper organization. The air movement plan is normally developed in coordination with the AMC, or the aviation liaison officer, who provides technical assistance and recommendations.

Tactical Control [key serial]

Load. A load is one aircraft and its assigned cargo of men and equipment. Each aircraft is called a load. A lift of four helicopters contains aircraft loads 1 through 4. Each successive lift also numbers its aircraft as loads 1 through whatever. All aircraft are accounted for within each lift. A load can also be called a chalk. Loads are also designated within serials, within lifts.

Flight routes are developed based on both tactical and technical factors. A route may have to pass through an adjacent unit sector. When this is the case, coordination and approval from that unit is required.

Flight Corridor. A corridor is a variation on the flight route. When there is competition for airspace; it may be necessary to modify the flight route and designate a less restrictive flight corridor. The corridor reserves airspace around a flight route and prevents artillery, tactical air, and other elements from firing or flying within it while it is in use. Flight corridors are coordinated and ensure that the designated airspace is not violated. The size of a corridor varies from 200 to 300 meters on either side of the flight route and 500 feet above and below the route altitude. A corridor provides space around the route to allow minor deviations off, above, or below the route.

Flight Axis. A flight axis is another variation of the flight route. It is a flight route that has width like the corridor, but does not have airspace reserved to a specific altitude like a corridor. The flight axis permits deviation laterally along the route, but does not restrict the employment of other assets. It gives the Air Mission Commander the choice of selecting en route formations and freedom to alter direction without coordinating a new flight route. An axis is the least restrictive air movement control measure allowing the commander the ability to make significant deviations off the route.

The times above are meticulously calculated and published in the operation order in the air movement table. The air movement table is a critical air assault planning and control tool. The AMC and lift flight leaders use the air movement table to control the mission without resorting to excessive radio communications.

The air movement table must include refueling time. Refueling is planned so that a flight completes refueling before the last serial gets critically low on fuel. The plan should generate a continuous rotation of aircraft into and out of the forward area refueling point (FARP). The number of aircraft that can refuel at one time is divided into the number of aircraft in the lift.

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In the diagram below, a command in Powershell lists some values regarding the above two USB devices. Clearly, what we have been calling the serial number does not conflate with what the identification in Powershell calls a serial number.

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Operational control involves control over intermediate-term operations and processes but not business strategies. Operational control systems ensure that activities are consistent with established plans. Mid-level management uses operational controls for intermediate-term decisions, typically over one to two years. When performance does not meet standards, managers enforce corrective actions, which may include training, discipline, motivation, or termination.

Unlike strategic control, operational control focuses more on internal sources of information and affects smaller units or aspects of the organization, such as production levels or the choice of equipment. Errors in operational control might mean failing to complete projects on time. For example, if salespeople are not trained on time, sales revenue may fall.

A tactic is a method that meets a specific objective of an overall plan. Tactical control emphasizes the current operations of an organization. Managers determine what the various parts of the organization must do for the organization to be successful in the near future (one year or less).

For example, a marketing strategy for a wholesale bakery might be an e-commerce solution for targeted customers, such as restaurants. Tactical control may involve regularly meeting with the marketing team to review results and would involve creating the steps needed to complete agreed-upon processes. Tactics for the bakery strategy may include the following:

Strategic control always comes first, followed by operations, and then tactics. For example, a strategy to be environmentally responsible could lead to an operations decision to seek Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification. This is a program that awards points toward certification for initiatives in energy efficiency, such as installing timed thermostats, using occupant sensors to control lighting use, and using green cleaning products. The tactical decision is deciding which energy-efficient equipment to purchase. At each level, controls ask if the decisions serve the purpose: actual energy savings, the LEED certification, and acting responsibly for the environment.

Top-down controls are also known as bureaucratic controls. Top-down control means the use of rules, regulations, and formal authority to guide performance. It includes things such as budgets, statistical reports, and performance appraisals to regulate behavior and results. Top-down control is the most common process, where senior executives make decisions and establish policies and procedures that implement the decisions. Lower-level managers may make recommendations for their departments, but they follow the lead of senior managers.

Advantages: With top-down control, employees can spend their time performing their job duties instead of discussing the direction of the company and offering input into the development of new policies. Senior executives save time by not explaining why some ideas are used and not others. Heavily regulated businesses may find this approach to be most beneficial.

Normative controls govern behavior through accepted patterns of action rather than written policies and procedures. Normative control uses values and beliefs called norms, which are established standards. For example, within a team, informal rules make team members aware of their responsibilities. The ways in which team members interact are developed over time. Team members come to an informal agreement as to how responsibilities will be divided, often based on the perceived strengths of each team member. These unwritten rules are normative controls and can powerfully influence behavior. 2ff7e9595c

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