Below we have given a long essay on Internet Is Boon Or Bane of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.
Computer Boon Or Bane Essay 200 Words
The Internet is a network for communication which has tremendously made our life easy, comfortable, pleasurable and luxurious. The Internet has made the world a global village. It has helped us enhance our knowledge and connect to different parts of the world easily. The Internet has helped us save time and therefore more work can be completely in a short period. Communication and making new friends from all over the world are made possible only through the Internet. We are also being able to learn about other cultures and appreciate them as well as share and exchange ideas and thoughts with others. It helps us broaden and enlighten our knowledge and perception about other cultures and adapt to it. The Internet is definitely a boon when utilized in a proper way, but the Internet can be a bane and lead to hazards and terrible consequences if misused.
According to me the computer is boon to mankind. People are helpless without computer. Today it is the employments of millions of people. Computer is the greatest invention on earth especially for students. In fact, students and teachers are encouraged to use Information and Communication technology. It connects everyone in world. We can communicate with each other. The computer has made everybody's life easier. According to the recent research kids play online games regularly have better reaction time, visual activity and dexterity than kids who do not play games on computer.
Essay on Computer: We are here to share with you an essay on computer for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11 & 12 students. A computer is an electronic device or machine, which it performs on command; the computer completes complex calculations in only a few seconds.
ESSAY ON INTERNET : The Internet is a vast network of computers and other similar systems. It enables everyone who has an Internet connection to get access to the data and information that is spread all over the web. In today's essay, we are going to read a detailed ESSAY ON THE INTERNET.
There is no doubt that mobile phones have brought a revolutionary change in this electronic world. It has become one of the fundamental means of communication.The Internet has\u00a0 easy access for twenty four hours a day using data when there is no Wi-Fi available. As a consequence, we have seen and experienced most teenagers isolating themselves from their family, going to their rooms and constantly texting, posting messages, upgrading face book, showing off photos, and who knows what they are watching. Their behavior has changed. They prefer to be left alone with their mobile rather than communicating with parents and family. It has created a deeper gap in parent-child relationship. Research tells us that the healthy parent-child relationship plays a major role in producing good citizens. In a study conducted at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, researchers found that high use of mobile phones were associated with stress and sleep disorders in women. It was also associated with sleep disturbances and depression in men. This evidence only proves that the use of mobile phones is related to mental health and stress issues.Placing mobile phone under the pillow or on the bed at night is very common, especially, among teenagers. They are addicted to reply to the messages or notifications instantly regardless of the time of the day, essential or trivial. Using the phone late night causes distraction on their thoughts and sleep. Their mind is not relaxed, and it increases stress level. It can also lead to psychological disorders in some cases.\n \n \n \n \n googletag.cmd.push(function()\n googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1602052589569-0');\n );\n \n \n \n A creativity researcher at the College of William and Mary, found creativity has decreased among American children in recent years. Since 1990, children have become less able to produce unique and unusual ideas. They are also less humorous, less imaginative and less able to elaborate on ideas.Mobile phone brings constant interruption, especially, teenagers are bombarded with notifications, messages, updated Facebook, comments etc\u00a0 every minute. In such circumstances it is up to them how they handle the situation. It is them who make the choice, either they go with the flow and be a part of the crowd or think wisely and deal with the situation prioritizing their health, school, and family. Technology has given us a choice of life to live for technology, which always comes with two options, use or abuse. Using leads to success and abusing follows the destruction.Most of all, if you have small children at home, from now, teach them about the shortcomings of using cell phones and do not equip them with them when they are still young and unable to be responsible.","author_name":"Sureis","author_id":8,"publish_time":"2016-04-08 01:45:04","alt_publish_time":"2016-04-08 01:45:04","permalink":"mobile-phone-boon-curse","summary":"There is no doubt that mobile phones have brought a revolutionary change in this electronic world. It has become one of the fundamental means of communication.","article_byline":"Sureis","is_old_article":1,"image_path":"","article_tags":"Mobile phone,communication,wi-fi","section_name":"Opinion","section_id":13,"sub_section_name":"","sub_section_id":0,"is_archive":"1","article_custom_fields":"\"keyword_tagging\":[\"Mobile phone,communication,wi-fi\"],\"other_keywords\":[\"Mobile phone a boon or a curse?\"],\"summary\":[\"There is no doubt that mobile phones have brought a revolutionary change in this electronic world. It has become one of the fundamental means of communication.\"],\"paywall_package_type\":[\"\"]","is_premium":"","related_articles_ids":"","column_name":"","column_image_url":"","article_source":"Meera Sharma Bedari"} }, success: function (response)$.each(response, function( index, value ) $(".ajax_widget[data-ajax_widget="+index +"]").append(value); ); , error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) });flag_load = 0;}});}); About Us Privacy Policy Advertise With Us Archives Contact Us E-Paper 2021 The Himalayan Times
Today, science has so much involved in our life that it is really hard to imagine living without the science. Every part of life whether it is food or recreation is related to science and its various ways. To decide that whether science is a boon or a bane for mankind is not a simple decision. 2ff7e9595c